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Turkish War part 8

However, when the Emperor had occupied Scopia, Bolcanus sent envoys with overtures of peace, and absolved himself from all blame for the evil happenings,...

Turkish War part 7

Directly the Sultan, Chtziasthlan, received the news sent him by the Emperor, he at once set to work, and started on the road to...

Turkish War part 6

The island also needed a military governor, so he appointed Philocales Eumathius as Stratopedarch, assigning the protection of it to him, and gave him...

Turkish War part 5

But Rhapsomates put off the battle for some time, not really for the purpose of preparing for the clash of arms as if he...

Turkish War part 4

So when Tzachas weighed anchor, and without delay sailed straight for Smyrna, Dalassenus overtook him very quickly, and at once attacked and chased him,...

Turkish War part 3

But Ducas was not idle; when the sun reached the meridian, he and the whole army got under arms. As soon as the sun...

Turkish War part 2

Accordingly when the winter was already far spent and spring with its smiles was near, he sent to Epidanmus for his brother-in-law, John Ducas,...

Turkish War part 1

Turkish War : Dalmatian Interlude (1092-4) : Conspiracy of Nicephorus Diogenes (1094) I In this wise the Emperor settled the affairs of John and Gregory...

The Mysterious Picture part 3

“You shall soon have some better fare than that,” answered the Landgrave, “but where is this donkey of yours?”“I left him on the Grande...

The Priest`s Tale part 8

I josep time in going up to his room, and fortunately found him in one of his intervals of quiet. He was sitting on...

The Pier part 4


Galata Tower


A Ball part 3