Jamshid and Zuhak part 6
“Perhaps, if you reveal it,” said Arnawaz, “we may find a remedy, for no ill exists that has not its remedy.” The king was...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 5
Jamshid fled before him, and for a hundred years was seen by no man, till Zuhak fell upon him without warning in the confines...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 4
Zuhak was pleased and commended his cook, who said, “To-morrow I will prepare for your Majesty a dish than which nought is more perfect.”...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 3
“First,” said Iblis, “you must swear an oath not to reveal my secrets to any man.” “I swear,” said Zuhak, “and I will do...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 2
The present version of Jamshid and Zuhak, a single episode from The Book of the Kings, is from the translation by Reuben Levy, M.A.,...
Jamshid and Zuhak part 1
The short story in Persia had its origin among the wandering story-tellers, who sometimes invented their plots (so far as any one ever invents...
The Pier part 4
The noon-gun of the city of Yokohama resounds. With this as a signal, the ship, from the hold of which for some time a...
The Pier part 3
Peeping into the room she finds two beds, under which the familiar packages and trunks are deposited. Her husband is standing before one of...
The Pier part 2
While walking slowly, she sees her husband and the viscount, his companion, crossing the gangplank and entering the ship.
The group of people looking after...
The Pier part 1
Mori Ogwai (1860—1932)
Mori Ogwai, who was at one time army surgeon general, was one of the most distinguished Japanese literary men. He has been...