The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 3

Ever since Shan-hu had been sent away, Ta-ch`eng`s mother had been endeavoring to get him another wife; but the fame of her temper had...

The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 2

I had better die.” Thereupon she drew a pair of scissors and stabbed herself in the throat, covering herself immediately with blood. The servant...

The Virtuous Daughter-In-Law part 1

P`u Sung-Ling (1622—1679?) The Strange Stories of P`u Sung-Ling have delighted all classes in China for over two centuries, but about their editor we have...

Regin`s Tale part 2

Thereon he laid hands on them, and doomed them to such ransom, as that they should fill the otter skin with gold, and cover...

Regin`s Tale part 1

Regin`s Tale (Anonymous: 12th Century) The Volsmga Saga, one of the most beautiful and highly finished of all the many Icelandic sagas, is a composite...

The Shepherdess and the Sweep part 4

The Sweep spoke most reasonably and sensibly to her, spoke of the old Chinese, and of the Goatsleg High adjutant general military commandant, but...

The Shepherdess and the Sweep part 3

“I cannot bear this,” she said, “I must get out of the cupboard.” But when they were out and looked up at the table,...

The Shepherdess and the Sweep part 2

There he stood, with his face red and white, just like a girl, and that was a mistake, for it might have been blackened...

The Shepherdess and the Sweep part 1

Denmark Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) Andersen was born at Odense. His parents were so poor that he had no chance at first of securing the education...

Private Tour Bulgaria

The importance of being Important while on Customized Tours Bulgaria As a company, we in EnmarBg decided to focus on customized, private tour Bulgaria because...
