Bosphorus in Istanbul


Trip to Bosphorus

The visitors must absolutely take a trip to Bosphorus by ferry. The ferry passes below the two bridges, visits the landings of neighbor hoods as beautiful as paintings, and creeps away from one continent to the other, one shore to another during the whole afternoon.

The commercial ships, generally with Russian flag that want to get in touch with the world through Bosphorus pass nearby you. A marvellous panorama that changes in every kilometer is awiting for you, once you pass below the Bosphorus Bridge. “Yah”s, the wooden waterside residences began to be built at the Bosphorus shores beginning from the 17th century. The best ones are between Cengelkoy and Kanlica, on the Asian side. Most of them were restorated. Especially `Ostrorog Yalisi` at Kandilli and `Amcazade Most of the yalis remained until today are from the 19th century. The yalis lived their golden age during the Tulip Age, the period of Sultan Ahmet UI, interested in art, in the 18™ century.

The yalis are built in harmony with the environment so that to meet the demands of the dwellers that wish to sit and rest, the warm weather and the flow of the water reinforces this pleasure. It is possible to understand this from the scenes, reflecting a kind of Ottoman `summer ambience`, depicted to the walls and ceilings of the rooms. Unfortunately, these pictures give a feeling of nostalgia today. The wooden structure of the buildings is completely suitable for this land of life. The wooden framework and railings carved artistically, prevents the hot weather coming in. The interior of the buildings are also full of ornaments and wooden carvings decorated with gold. Rooms are generally furnished with low divans (sofas) and carpets. In the middle is a brazier, ready for the colder days. Besides, the landscape gardening is very important.

The gardens are full of palm trees, pines, cedars due to the appropriate weather conditions; oleanders, tulips, magnolias are the main adornments of the gardens; the walls of the small arbours are covered with ivy, and the smell of honeysuckles surrounds everywhere. Departure from Bogazici Iskelesi at Eminonu; everday 10.35 AM, 12.00 PM and 13.35 PM;

Besiktas everday 10.50 AM-12.15 PM and 13.50 PM Moda Saturday-Sunday 10.40 AM Kadikoy 11.00 AM

Strolling through Istanbul

Begin the days you will spend Istanbul by visiting Galata Tower.

Enjoy the dreamlike panorama of this giant city, whose not only showy but also clearly spread topography is below your feet, while leaning against the handrails: The mosques and minarets of the Topkapi palace is rising above the hills of thr old city, right across you. In front of it is the natural bay formed by Golden I born, embracing with the Sea of Marmara; and in the horizon, The Princes` Isles hardly visible in the must.

On the left, across the Bosphorus Kadikoy and Uskudarcan be recognized, if you look to the a bit more to the north, you can see the bridge that connects Europe and Asia. The distant whistles of the ferries mix into each other. You will begin to notice how unique Istanbul is due to the calming view of Galata Tower. There is probably no visitor who wouldn`t be eager to know about this extraordinary city, to feel it and to see the secret comers of its life.

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