Turkish War part 18
These were afraid that amidst the popular concourse on the morrow a few men might make a dash at the Emperor and cut him...
Turkish War part 17
After Diogenes had been detected, put into chains and banished, the leading men in his conspiracy who had not already been arrested, knew that...
Turkish War part 16
VIII Then the Emperor sent for Mouzaces and told him to take other armed men with him and fetch Diogenes from the Great Domestic’s...
Turkish War part 15
Once or twice he pulled at his sword whilst stammering forth imaginary petitions, then in despair threw himself on the ground and lay there...
Turkish War part 14
However, Constantine refused, saying it was impossible to give away a gift from the Emperor of such value to another the very same day....
Turkish War part 13
For he was keener witted than a two-edged sword, but unstable throughout, except that in his desire to be Emperor he displayed immutability. His...
Turkish War part 12
Moreover, as Alexius did not judge superficially, nor was blind to the truth, nor a prey to reprehensible passions, but weighed facts in the...
Turkish War part 11
But apprehending that he was already detected (for our conscience tries us severely), he considered how to ensure his own safety by flight, and...
Turkish War part 10
It he is plotting against us, he must be proved guilty in the sight of God and men.” Philocales went away distressed, beating his...
Turkish War part 9
As he had lost most of his men, and could no longer offer any resistance, John made his way to the capital. Thereupon Bolcanus...