Love and Bread part 4

The young husband waits most attentively upon his fair bride. What a pleasure, too! Of course he has had good luncheons before, in his...

Love and Bread part 3

At last the rooms were furnished. The sleeping chamber was like a small sanctuary, the beds standing side by side like chariots taking their...

Love and Bread part 2

“I suppose you are both set on marrying, and I don`t doubt but what you are really fond of each other. So it seems...

Love and Bread part 1

Sweden August Strindberg (1849-1912) August Strindberg, born of a poor and humble family, is one of the most celebrated figures in modern European literature. He engaged...


The `Pearl of the Black Sea` is impatient to see you enjoying your Bulgaria vacation Bulgaria vacation in Nessebar– the scent of the sea and...

Private Balkan trip

Wake your senses up with private Balkan trip A private Balkan trip in the Balkan countries means a good possibility to sink into the history...

Mendicant Melody part 4

The exhausted and famished tenor sings to the capon hanging outside an upper window, as he inhales the appetizing aroma of the roast cooking...

Mendicant Melody part 3

What strange subterranean passages of sentiment and tone, from the lively airs of the opera-bouffe to the plaintive entreaties directed toward deserted windows! “Signori, something...

Mendicant Melody part 2

Evidences of poverty and misery and signs, of a life of hardship were manifested by the instruments themselves; the voice of weariness and anguish...

Mendicant Melody part 1

Edmondo De Amicis (1846— 1908) De Amicis is best known to the world as the author of the children`s classic, Cuore. De Amicis was a...

Balkan Tours 2020 2021


In the Storm part 3


Turkish War part 1