The Apostle Paul


A Journey of Faith and Conversion

Among the apostles, Paul stands out as an extraordinary traveler, navigating the challenges of the ancient world to spread the new faith. His remarkable journeys, marked by endurance and tenacity, played a pivotal role in the early Christian movement. This article explores the life and travels of Paul, born Saul, and the transformation that led him to become one of Christianity’s most influential figures.

Early Life and Background

Paul, originally known as Saul, was born in Tarsus, southern Turkey. After his conversion, he changed his name to Paul, influenced by converting Sergius Paulus. Described as a stocky man with a bald head and a grey, bushy beard, Paul studied Jewish law in Jerusalem under the renowned rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). His Roman citizenship, inherited from his parents, afforded him special rights and protections, playing a crucial role in his ministry Read more

Pioneer in Ancient Philosophy and Mathematics


Thales of Miletus

Thales of Miletus, a renowned figure in ancient Greece, made significant contributions to philosophy and mathematics. While some of his ideas were influenced by travels and foreign knowledge, Thales played a pivotal role in shaping the foundations of Greek mathematics and natural philosophy.

Thales’ Knowledge Gathering

Thales spent considerable time traveling and engaging in trade. It is believed that during his travels, he gathered knowledge and brought it back to the Greek world. One notable instance was his prediction of the eclipse in 585, likely influenced by Babylonian priests’ research.

Geometric Theories and Foreign Influences

Thales introduced geometric theories that had possible roots in Egypt. These theories became fundamental in Greek mathematics, including the bisecting of a circle by a diameter and properties of triangles. Thales’ mathematical insights, such as proportional sides in triangles,

Thales of Miletus


A Multifaceted Mind in Ancient Greece

Thales of Miletus, a prominent figure in ancient Greece around 585 B.C.E., stood out as a statesman, engineer, astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher. His diverse pursuits reflected the intellectual curiosity characteristic of academics in that era.

Thales’ Varied Expertise

Thales’ pursuits covered a wide range of disciplines The Apostle Paul. Regarded as the “only wise man” extending his speculations beyond the practical, he gained a reputation as a thinker who ventured into realms beyond immediate utility. Plato’s anecdote of Thales falling into a well while stargazing highlighted his commitment to celestial observations, sometimes perceived as imprudent.

Practical Applications of Celestial Observations

Contrary to some skepticism, Thales’ observation of the stars contributed practically to navigation. By measuring the stars of the

Turkish War part 21

However he never ceased caring for Diogenes, and was heard to sigh deeply for him; he displayed great kindness towards him and tried to console him and reinstated him in most of the possessions...

Turkish War part 20

For the man they load with blessings and escort and hold in high respect to-day, they treat in exactly the opposite way without feeling any shame, when they see the throw of his life’s...

Turkish War part 19

The Emperor himself was not altogether at his ease (I speak humanly, without regard to the fact that he trusted every thing to God), for considering the mixed character of the meeting he feared...

Turkish War part 18

These were afraid that amidst the popular concourse on the morrow a few men might make a dash at the Emperor and cut him to pieces on the throne, as men often carried their...

Turkish War part 17

After Diogenes had been detected, put into chains and banished, the leading men in his conspiracy who had not already been arrested, knew that they had become objects of suspicion and grew very nervous...

Turkish War part 16

VIII Then the Emperor sent for Mouzaces and told him to take other armed men with him and fetch Diogenes from the Great Domestic’s tent and conduct him to his own and keep him...

Turkish War part 15

Once or twice he pulled at his sword whilst stammering forth imaginary petitions, then in despair threw himself on the ground and lay there begging for mercy. The Emperor turned his horse to...

Ottoman Travel Bulgaria


Turkish War part 14